Smith2012 Series PD sliding metal scraper flow meter (Positive Displacement sliding metal scraper flow meter) is made up of scraper、metrology room and double-shell casing pressure which can maintain the accuracy of factory work machine .It can ensure that the measurement accuracy of products does’t change follow the environment. Shell and rotating scraper ensure that a great liquid discharge volume.It is widely used in crude oil、finished oil and other important trade occasions for inventory control and settlement.
<2> Features
* Excellent accuracy — the rotation of Smith2012 Series PD flow meter follows Rotary Vane principle, and the special design of flow meter measuring room,makes the pressure difference of entrances and exits minimum ,and the flow of the medium best.This ensure the accuracy of flow meter.
* the lower promote pressure — the latest model of low flow path design provides lower promotion pressure.
* higher flow meter repetitability – the gap of flow meter repeatability is not more than 0.05%.
* An extremely long service life – flow meter uses low friction ball bearings and cam fixed path trestle, making accurate and track operation according to the scraper, thus ensuring the long-term life.
<3>Technology Indicators
Allow basic error: ± 0.1%, ± 0.2%、± 0.5%
Nominal Diameter DN (mm): 40 ~ 400
Nominal Pressure PN (MPa): 1.6、 2.5、4.0、6.3、9.6、15
Measured liquid temperature: -40 ~ +60, -30 ~ +80, +60 ~ +200
Measured liquids viscosity (mPa.s): 0.3 ~ 5000
Pipeline connections: GB/T9118-2000 (China flange);NIST (the U.S standard flange);
BSPT (British Standard Pipe Thread);
NPT (the U.S pushed and pulled pipe thread)
Field show: 99999999 (cumulative flow) 999999.9 (single flow )
The Output signal: single pulse signal、double-pulse signals、
4~20mA、1~5V、4~20mA+HART protocol、
Support RS232 RS485 communications(optional)
Ex. Level: ExdIIBT5 、ExiaIICT5
Protection Level: IP65 、IP67
<4> Flow range
Accuracy 0.1%

Accuracy 0.2%

Accuracy 0.5%
