Liquid flowmeter
Gas flowmeter
Special special flow
Display instrument, control instrument/system
Measurement device prizing
Pump, electro-hydraulic is it lasted
SMITH3012G Gas Turbine Flow Meter
SMITH3012G Gas Turbine Flow Meter

To meet trading measurement requirement, Smith3012 turbine flow meter provide more precision, higher efficiency, longer life . our precision turbine flow meter with high-quality is suitable for the  majority of liquid、 gas.

SMITH3011G Gas Vortex Flow Meter
SMITH3011G Gas Vortex Flow Meter

The series of Smith3011 Vortex Flow meter can measure the gases ,liquidsand saturated steam accurately and effectively . The series of Smith3011 can achieve internal temperature compensation, pressure compensation or direct flow measurement.
Each meter can be allowed to carry 4 ~ 20mA、4 ~ 20mA + HART analog output and scene show.

SMITH2015G The Gas Roots Flow Meter
SMITH2015G The Gas Roots Flow Meter

Smith2015 type Roots flow meter is short for Roots flowmeter.It is used in the pipeline for continuous or intermittent liquid flow measurement and control.The series of Smith2015 LuoCi Roots Flow meter can display the cumulative flow、instantaneous flow、a single flow and so on. It is widely used in petroleum、chemicals、electric power、metallurgy、transport、food processing、 medicine、national defense、business  and trade sectors

SMITH4011G Koch Gas Quality Flow Meter
SMITH4011G Koch Gas Quality Flow Meter

Smith4011 Branch mass flow meter used to test the quality of flow in the pipeline. And other flow measurement methods, compared: A direct measurement of the fluid pipeline quality, high measurement accuracy, repeatability, and can range in the larger context of the fluid quality to achieve high accuracy direct measurement.

SMITH3015L Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter
SMITH3015L Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Ultrasonic flow meter is a modern development of the new flowmeasurement instrument, as long as it can spread the voice offluid and can be used ultrasonic flow meter measurement; ultrasonic flow meter to measure high-viscosity liquids, non-conductive liquid or gas flow, velocity measurement principle is: the ultrasonic propagation velocity of fluid in the fluid flow rate will be measured with the change.

SMITH3014 Liquid Duct Metal Floater Flow Meter
SMITH3014 Liquid Duct Metal Floater Flow Meter

Smith3014 type Duct Metal Floater Flow meter, divided into two series Smith3014H and Smith 3014D.It has the characteristic of simple structure, reliability, a wide range of applications, high accuracy, easy installation, and other. It is applied to opaque media and the corrosive medium flow measurement

SMITH3013L Liquid Electro Magnetic Flow Meter
SMITH3013L Liquid Electro Magnetic Flow Meter

Smith3013 electronicmagnetic flow meter is a sensor instrument for conductive medium volume flow measurement, suitable for measuring >3us/cm conductive liquid volume flow, which can be widely used in chemical, metallurgical, and water sources in areas such as water purification、 sewage and other conductive liquid flow measurement.

SMITH3012L Liquid Turbine Flow Meter
SMITH3012L Liquid Turbine Flow Meter

Smith3012 turbine flow meter provide more precision, higher efficiency, longer life and our high-quality, precision turbine flow meter for the vast majority of liquid、 gas flow measurement Application. We can choose stainless steel or corrosion-resistant series of hydraulic rotor balance (no axis shocks), It can be assigned a variety of different combinations of electronic devices and components suitable for the requirements of different flow characteristics.

SMITH3011L Liquid Vortex Flow Meter
SMITH3011L Liquid Vortex Flow Meter
The series of Smith3011 Vortex Flow meter is very accurate instrument and has effective gases、liquids and saturated steam flow measurement. The specifications of Smith3011 can be internal temperature compensation, pressure compensation or direct flow measurement. Each meter can be allowed to carry 4 ~ 20mA、4 ~ 20mA + HART ,analog output and scene show.
SMITH2015 Roots Flow Meter
SMITH2015 Roots Flow Meter

Smith2015 type Roots flow meter is short for Roots flowmeter . It is used in the pipeline for continuous or intermittent liquid flow measurement and control. The series of Smith2015 LuoCi Roots Flow meter can display the cumulative flow、instantaneous flow、a single flow and so on. Combinated with Smith mechanical or electronic batch controller,it can realize  for different types of filling, control, and  other functions approved.

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